Rosemary Rubbed Rumpsteaks
One thing that I truly miss from the US is being able to find a good steak in a restaurant. There are …
One thing that I truly miss from the US is being able to find a good steak in a restaurant. There are …
Sorry for the brief hiatus from our blog…we have been a bit busy and have a big backlog of posts to get …
When I asked Alex what he wanted to have for dinner on Sunday night, he replied “Beer Can Chicken”! Personally, I was …
For the past 4 days it has been HOT in Germany. A level of hot that I typically enjoy in MN, but …
My previous post is one of my new favorite breads. It may be my favorite bread based on how completely divine it …
One of the things I spend far too much time doing is checking out different cooking blogs on the web. There are …
During September of 2011 Alex and I attended a grilling seminar at the Kitchen Window in Minneapolis. At this point we did …
Earlier this year, we were invited for dinner by Alex’s sister Eva and her boyfriend Frank. Frank is what I would consider …
Last Sunday, Alex and I got up early. Like, stupid early considering that one, it was our last day of vacation and …
I figured the salad was a good recipe to start from our big BBQ from last week. Especially since salads are a …